Contact us on 732.667.1100
Dear customers, our (800) 243-5489 telephone number is down for the forseeable future - please call in on our direct 732.667.1100
A Solution For Every Application
Our seals come in a wide variety of materials. Choose the correct combination of elastomer, metallurgy and sealing faces for your application.

U.S. SEAL MFG. products represent 95% of the replacement seal market.

Our mechanical seals promise long life, reduce maintenance, and provide automatic self-adjustment.

Our technical and sales staff have over 75 years’ combined experience in the mechanical seal industry.
How to Select the Right Seal
Cómo Seleccionare l Sello Mecánico Adecuado
Seal Identification Form
Need assistance specifying the right seal for your job? We’ll be glad to get back to you by email with our recommendation.
Contact Your Local Representative
Speak with our experienced team to find out more about our products and locate your nearest branch.
Distributor Inquiry Form
Interested in becoming a Distributor? Contact us directly or call your local representative.